Using Ozone to Keep Your Cold Plunge Water Clean

You’ve probably been browsing a couple cold plunge sites on your journey and happened to come across “Ozone Sanitation” while reviewing a product. 

While it may give a brief description, unless you’re highly educated on the topic, you may be left curious as to which mechanisms are at play and would like some more in-depth clarification. 

For this reason we have broken down some of the science in a digestible format. Let’s get right to it!


  • Ozone (O3) is a naturally occurring molecule utilized for its powerful sanitizing properties in cold plunge tubs 🧼
  • Modern cold plunge tubs generate ozone to oxidize and eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants in water, reverting back to oxygen (O2) after the process 🦠
  • Ozone’s application in sanitation spans across various industries beyond cold plunges, including water treatment and food sterilization
  • It offers an alternative to traditional chemical methods like chlorine, without leaving harmful by-products

What is Ozone?


Ozone, known scientifically as O3, is a powerful and naturally occurring molecule with unique properties and a vast array of applications. 

While it may be best known for its role in the Earth’s atmospheric stratosphere, where it forms a protective layer that shields us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, it has a history spanning centuries for its use in sanitation and purification processes. 

It has become an essential part of modern sanitation practices, especially within the realm of cold plunge therapy.

Understanding Ozone: The Science

Ozone is a unique form of oxygen. It’s a triatomic molecule, composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), as opposed to the diatomic molecular oxygen (O2) that we typically breathe.

It has a pale blue colour and a distinctive pungent smell.

Ozone is less stable than O2, making it a potent oxidizer.

This means it can readily donate one of its oxygen atoms to various organic substances, breaking them down.

This powerful oxidising capability, coupled with its reactivity, gives ozone its excellent disinfecting and sanitising properties.

The History of Ozone for Sanitation

The use of ozone for sanitation can be traced back to the late 19th century.

In 1856, just sixteen years after its discovery by Christian Friedrich Schönbein, ozone was first used in a health application in Switzerland for the disinfection of operating rooms. 

By the late 1800s, the first drinking water treatment facility using ozone was established in the Netherlands, setting the stage for its widespread adoption in water treatment.

Ozone has also been used extensively in the food industry for the sanitation of food and equipment, as well as in medical settings for the sterilisation of surgical instruments and hospital rooms. 

The application of ozone spans across several industries, including aquaculture, swimming pools, and hot tubs, marking it as a versatile and potent disinfectant.


Ozone and Cold Plunge Tubs: The Modern Use

Today, ozone is a key element in the sanitation process of cold plunge tubs.

The water in these tubs needs to be kept clean and free from bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that could pose a risk to the health of users. 

Traditional chemicals like chlorine can be used for this purpose, but they often leave residual by-products that can cause skin irritation and other adverse effects.

Here is where ozone shines.

When applied to water in cold plunge tubs, ozone acts as a potent disinfectant, breaking down microorganisms and other contaminants. 

The extra oxygen atom in the ozone molecule reacts readily with these impurities, oxidising them and leaving behind only oxygen.

This means a clean, safe bathing environment with no harmful by-products.

The modern technology used to generate ozone in cold plunge tubs is typically a corona discharge system, which uses electricity to convert oxygen into ozone.

The generated ozone is then injected into the water, where it does its sanitising work.

highly oxidated water

Here’s a more detailed look at how a modern ozone sanitation system works in a cold plunge tub:

  1. Ozone Generation: The process starts with the generation of ozone. Most modern cold plunge tubs utilise a device called an “ozone generator”. The most common type of generator uses a method known as “corona discharge” to produce ozone. In this process, an electric discharge, akin to a controlled lightning storm, is created in a chamber filled with oxygen. The energy from this discharge splits the two-atom oxygen (O2) molecules into individual oxygen atoms.
  2. Ozone Formation: These single oxygen atoms then combine with unsplit O2 molecules to form ozone (O3). This happens because ozone is more likely to form under the high-energy conditions within the corona discharge chamber. It’s important to note that the overall concentration of ozone produced is relatively low (generally less than 5% of the total gas volume) to ensure safe operation and handling.
  3. Ozone Injection: The produced ozone gas is then injected into the cold plunge tub water using a venturi injector or a diffuser. As the ozone comes into contact with the water, it starts its sanitation work. The extra oxygen atom in the ozone molecule readily reacts with bacteria, viruses, and other organic materials in the water, destroying them through a process called oxidation.
  4. Complete Oxidation and Reversion: The beauty of using ozone as a sanitizer is its clean operation. Once the ozone molecule gives up its extra oxygen atom for oxidation, it reverts back to oxygen (O2). This leaves the water clean and free from any harmful disinfection by-products that are often associated with traditional chemical sanitizers.
  5. Off-Gas Destruction: In some advanced systems, any unreacted ozone that off-gases from the water is destructed using an ozone destructor device. This converts the leftover ozone back into oxygen before it’s released into the air, ensuring the safety of the surrounding environment.

By integrating ozone sanitation into the routine maintenance of cold plunge tubs, owners can ensure a high level of cleanliness and hygiene without the need for harsh chemicals.

This adds to the appeal of cold plunging, offering a more natural, healthy, and enjoyable experience.

The Oxidation Process

Ozone Formation

The process starts in the ozone generator, where an electric discharge creates ozone (O3) from oxygen (O2).

Ozone Interaction

The ozone enters the water and starts interacting with the impurities present in the water.


The extra oxygen atom in the ozone molecule reacts with the impurities, initiating the process of oxidation.


The impurities are neutralized or destroyed during the oxidation process.

Reversion to Oxygen

The remaining part of the ozone molecule, now just O2, reverts back to ordinary oxygen, leaving the water clean and purified.

The Broad-Spectrum Application of Ozone

Beyond the cold plunge world, ozone technology has been adopted for its efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental friendliness in a wide range of industries. 

These include wastewater treatment, air purification, aquaculture, agriculture, laundry applications, and the beverage industry. All these uses leverage the same powerful oxidising and disinfecting properties that make ozone such an invaluable tool for cold plunge sanitation.

Essential Safety and Precaution Practices

While the benefits of ozone sanitation for cold plunge tubs are numerous, it’s also critical to approach its usage with the necessary safety measures and precautions in place. After all, while it is a powerful sanitizing tool, it can also be harmful if improperly used or handled.

Here are essential safety practices and precautions when using ozone in your cold plunge tub:

1. Correct Installation and Maintenance of Ozone Generators: Make sure that your generator is installed and maintained correctly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. This often includes ensuring proper ventilation, away from inhabited areas, as concentrated ozone can be harmful to breathe in.

2. Understanding Ozone Levels: Ensure you are using the right concentration of ozone for your specific cold plunge tub. Excessive amounts can lead to off-gassing, which could be harmful if inhaled. Your supplier or manufacturer can help identify the appropriate levels for your system.

3. Regular System Checks: Regularly inspect your generator for any signs of damage or malfunction. Early detection of issues can prevent leakages or failures that could lead to unsafe ozone levels.

4. Using Ozone-Compatible Materials: Ozone is a strong oxidizer and can degrade certain materials over time. Ensure that all parts of your system that come into contact with ozone (tub materials, piping, etc.) are ozone-resistant to prevent breakdown and potential leaks.

5. Safe Off-Gassing Practices: Some ozone will inevitably off-gas from the water surface of your cold plunge tub. To ensure this off-gassed ozone doesn’t pose a risk, some systems include off-gas destruct units that convert excess ozone back into oxygen. If your system doesn’t include this feature, make sure your cold plunge tub is in a well-ventilated area, ideally outdoors.

6. Educate Yourself and Others: Make sure anyone who uses or maintains your cold plunge tub understands the potential hazards of ozone and the safety procedures in place. This includes understanding that while the ozone present in the water of the tub is at a safe level, concentrated ozone can be harmful.

Remember, safety always comes first. By following these essential precautions, you can confidently reap the benefits of ozone sanitation in your cold plunge tub while ensuring a safe environment for all users.

Check out these fantastic products by Cryospring with built-in, automated natural ozone sanitation system!


Ozone, while invisible to our daily perception, is an invisible hero in maintaining hygiene, cleanliness, and health in various sectors, including the cold plunge industry.

Its powerful oxidation abilities, paired with an environmentally friendly profile, make it a tool of choice for sanitising cold plunge tubs and maintaining them as havens of wellness.

As we’ve traced the journey of ozone from its initial discovery, through its history of sanitation use, and up to its modern-day application in cold plunge tubs, we hope you’ve gained a deeper understanding of this fascinating molecule and its critical role in your healthful plunge.

In a world where cleanliness and health are of paramount importance, ozone is our unsung ally, working behind the scenes to ensure we can enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of cold plunging without compromise.

As science and technology continue to evolve, we look forward to seeing new and improved ways to harness the power of ozone for an even more optimal and refreshing cold plunge experience.

In the end, it’s not just about plunging into cold water; it’s about plunging into a clean, invigorating sanctuary of wellness that leaves you feeling revitalised.

Get Cold.™ 🥶

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